Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've just finish reading the second book in the Maximum Ride series, it is called Maximum Ride "Schools Out- Forever". In Maximum Ride there are six people who are mutants their names are: Max, Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, Fang, and Iggy, they all have special powers and large wingspans. All of these six characters where either given away as infants for money or they were stolen from their parents, before they were fully developed they had avian DNA grafted into their stem cells so wings, good eyesight, and super speed and strength are possessed by all of them. Max is the leader of the flock and they are constantly being chased by erasers who are people who have lupine DNA grafted into their systems. The lead eraser is named Ari whom the flock had known since he was three, Ari in the first book has his neck broken and contorted by Max accidentally while they where fighting and in the second book Ari comes back to life in a half shifted shifted wolf form and with wings. Ari also has a fiery passion to kill everyone but Max whom he wants to enslave and remove her wings.
Max is the leader and has the ability to fly up 235 miles per hour, she is 14 years old. Fang is the second oldest also at 14 and doesn't really speak a lot. Iggy is 13 years old and blind because when all six of them were being tested he went blind trying to receive improved seeing but went blind and has adapted great hearing so he can hear you if you get within a 30 yard radius, he can also undetectably place miniature explosives on you. Nudge is 11 and the only person who knows her parent given name (Monique) and she has the ability to touch something and instantly know its history. Gazzy and Angel are siblings Gazzy is just Iggy's partner in crime, while Angel has the power to breath underwater, talk to fish, read peoples minds, and bend people to her will.

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